Trauma research expands the knowledge of how to best care for patients after injury. New insights are saving lives and restore the patient’s quality of life.
Featuring 20 years of experience in trauma research, Trauma Care Consult acts as industrial partner to the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Traumatology, the Research Center in Cooperation with AUVA as well as various academic partners in national and international projects. As contract research organization it provides customized research from in vitro tests to preclinical studies – from bench to bedside.
Moreover, Trauma Care Consult is sharing knowledge and experience via clinical consulting or hands on training.
By combining scientific excellence with a close connection to the clinics, Trauma Care Consult has a unique perspective on current clinical needs. Solutions are found and developed until they are ready for application. Trauma Care Consult is always on the lookout for people who share our vision and assist us in making scientific discoveries come to life.

Prof. Heinz Redl, CEO

Dr. Paul Slezak, CEO